Bullet Journaling : The Life Changing Habit

Hey warriors, New year is heading towards us. It comes with a lot of new year resolutions. Some completed, some incomplete, some unattempted and rest are postponed to next year. May this year you'll bring glory in your life. Who hasn't heard the quote, "We can't change the future but we can change our habits and our habits will definitely change our future."? Barely anybody! Today we're going to know about a life changing habit called bullet journaling. Bullet journaling is not new jargon. Many achievers from Mahatma Gandhi, Veer Sawarkar to Albert Einstein, Bill Gates practiced journaling. Journal are daily notes where one writes about oneself, his goals, his progress.You'll find many more creative ways to bullet journal on google and youtube. This one is what you'll be benefited the most. You'll find bullet journaling simple. You don't need fancy costly things. It is low cost and distraction free planner. Bullet journaling will hav...